
Prof. Gaurav M. Prof.Utkarsha Jadhav Prof. Vaibhav Sakpal
B.Sc. HS M.Sc. (IT) M.Sc. (IT)
Prof. Yusuf Patel Prof. Ramesh Gupta Prof. Omkar Pathak.
M.Com B.Ed. M.B.A B.Sc. HS
Prof. Jatin K. Prof. Nargis Khan Prof. Wasim Shaikh
B.Com, M.Com M.B.A M.Com B.Ed.

....and having various VISITING FACULTY from INDUSTRY

Learning resource Centre/Library

The well equipped library has a wide range of books & subscriptions to all the major newspapers, periodicals, and publications. The library will have members ranging from individualsto corporate.

Virtual learningResource centre/ Thecomputerlibrary

Equipped with Pentium based workstations that are connected to various statistical and analytical packages, project management software, business environmental simulation software amongst others, the student's have to access to this excellent facility complementedby twenty fourhourInternet connectivity.

State of art classroom

The batch has come up with a state of art training center having well equipped technologywhich can assistin highquality education

ThePersonality lab

A propershaping of personality is a mustfor any managerto effectively utilize his potential at an optimal level. The Personality Labwas established to groom themanager on his personality and incorporate the requisite soft skills, which not only serve the student but also serve the corporateworld.