Three Year Bachelor of Science Degree in Data


Data Science refers to extraction of knowledge from large volumes of data that are structuredor unstructured, which is continuation of data mining and predictive analytics. It
involvesdifferentcategoriesofanalyticalapproachesformodellingvarioustypesofbusinessscenariosand arriving at solution and strategies for optimal decisionmaking inmarketing, finance,operations, organizational behaviour and other managerial aspects. Thisnew field of studybreaks down into a number of different areas, from constructing big data infrastructure andconfiguring the various server tools that sit on top of the hardware, to performing the analysisanddeveloping the righttransformations to generate usefulresults.

combinesthemagicofprogramming,mathematicsandbusiness.CombinedwithMachineLearning,ithelpstoidentifyafuturetrendwhich can be used toderive actionable insights for creating future impact. These skillswillhelpfortheroleofaDataScientist.AsaDataScienceaspirant,learnerwillbeemphasisingoftheknowledge to share from the quantitative analysis to programming concept and extendedto
business intelligence. Data science can add value to any business which can use the datawell.

algorithmsandmathematicalmodels,chieflyempl oyedtomakemachineslearn and preparethem toadaptto everydayadvancements. Big Data: Everyday, we are producing so much of data in the form of clicks, orders, videos,images, comments, articles, RSS Feeds etc. These data is generally unstructured and is oftencalled as Big Data. Big Data tools and techniques mainly help in converting this unstructureddatainto a structuredform. Business Intelligence: Each business has and produces too much data every day. Thisdatawhenanalysedcarefullyandthenpresentedinvisualreportsinvolvinggraphs,canbringgooddec
isionmakingtolife.Thiscanhelpthemanagementintakingthebestdecisionaftercarefullydelvingint patterns anddetails thereports bring tolife.
Empowerthemanagementandcontrolling officerstomakebetterdecisions

Directactionsbased ontrends,which inturn helptodefinenew goals





Recruittherighttalent fortheorganisation